Giving Birth To Myself a Birthing & Harlem Midwife Story

January 12, 2016

Research & Articles

Filed under: — @ 4:31 am
some articles i stumbled on that might be thought provoking too

The Truth Will Make You Mad! – 1/3 of Americans get C(aesarean)-sections routine in the US
‘A third of people get major surgery to be born’: why are C-sections routine in the US?

ny times article
Having Baby at Home

November 13, 2008
Baby, You’re Home

ny times article  

As Home Births Grow in U.S., a New Study Examines the Risks

NYTimes Jan 11, 2016
Researchers reported that a significant number of women are wrongly told that they are having large babies. The research showed that mothers who believed they were having large babies were nearly five times more likely to ask for a scheduled C-section,
even though the vast majority of their babies

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